Anderson Lake Lodge Is Available To Purchase

Sale Price: $1,300,000.00  More information about Anderson Lake Real Estate Sale Anderson Lake Lodge, located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan between Iron River and Crystal Falls, is a beautiful 4,600 square foot lodge in the middle of 400 acres of the most...

Why I Work Here

Why do I work here?  Because of my love of snow and today is a perfect example of how perfect a day could be.  Sunshine and light fluffy snow.  Picture perfect.  It’s a great way to unwind after the weekend … and get ready for next weekend.  It’s Boy...

Fluffy Snow

Fluffy snow this morning!  Nothing better than a few inches of fluffy snow over the groom.  It’s going to be a perfect day!  High of 28 and 4 more inches of snow expected today.  No wind either.  It’s Girl Scout Adventure day so I get to hit the slopes all...

Ski Brule Song

We were there! Crashing through the snow During a snowy winter day Over the hills of Ski Brule Laughing all the way Watching out for Big Scary Bears As we board and ski into the Sunrise And the Otters sure do slide Like gliding in Maple Syrup Following Snow Shoe hares...

And that’s a wrap!

And that’s a wrap! Snowmaking season 19/20 has ended. 15 of 17 trails open until Snowshoe & Rapids terrain parks are cut. 17 of 17 Trails expected to be open starting 12/26. A huge thank you to THE BEST snow crew anywhere! Nobody does it better and watching this...