Ski Brule Is OPEN April 26-27

Ski Brule anticipate opening for Saturday and Sunday April 26-27 for skiing & snowboarding.  Call ahead for complete conditions report and opening status prior to departing on a trip to Ski Brule on Saturday or Sunday.  Most up to date conditions report is...


April 18 Homestead side of the mountain will be open on Saturday April 19!  17 of 17 Trails open Saturday.  Half price tickets, 18″ new snow … it just doesn’t get any better. ~Thinking Snow...

6″ Snow

Is it really April 15?  Sure doesn’t look like it out our backdoor.  Woke up to -1 degree temperatures this morning too.  Temps will stay cold all week long so conditions this weekend will be great!  Easter Brunch Sunday 10-2:00 too!  Open for snowsports Friday,...


4/8/14 Yes, Ski Brule is still open daily.  During the midweek snowsports are available on the front side of the mountain and the Homestead Lodge and Homestead Side of mountain will open for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Tickets are 1/2 Price daily and the conditions...