Mountains Of Snow!

Mountains of snow are all over the Homestead side of the mountain.  The snowmaking crew blew what I call “ego piles”.  Piles of snow so HUGE that it will take all day to get the equipment off the slopes and piles pushed.  Homestead side will reopen for...

Give the gift of a lifetime sport to a child.

Sponsor A Child & Give Them The Gift Of A Lifetime Sport Stambaugh Elementary Friday Night Ski Program offers local children the opportunity to get outside and learn a sport of a lifetime. The program is for 3rd, 4th & 5th grades and includes a season pass,...

Never Stop Improving!

What is the crew at Ski Brule up to? Taking a well deserved rest after an amazing holiday? Snow Way! Never slowing down at Ski Brule. Mountain Ops are tearing up the slopes to make conditions even better. What is rebuilding the slopes? Groomer operators take the blade...

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Snow Much Fun!

Snow Much Fun at Ski Brule!  Might be a bit foggy but that just makes it a bit more interesting. Ski Brule is open daily 9-4:00 and 4:30-7:30 for the night session on lower Sunrise, Bunny, Bambi & Rapids 12/28-12/31. Tonight is the Homestead BBQ, Tubing and Sleigh...

Snow Much Fun

Fun is in the air at Ski Brule.  100% Open except for Double Doodle and night session & Whitewater Snow Tubing is coming soon!