Snowmaking at Ski Brule has been excellent!! Best we’ve had this early in the season for many years. There are huge whales (snowpiles) on Log Jam. Yes, enough to push out and open … BUT … the forecast calls for two days of rain and warmer weather. Therefore Ski Brule is in SOS (SAVE OUR SNOW) mode in hopes of opening on the target opening day of November 10, 2023.

Log Jam and Bunny are expected to be open with an array of rails & boxes. Lift ticket are FREE opening FRIDAY. Riders must obtain their FREE lift ticket from the Bear’s Den Pro Shop. Rental Center, Tech, Bear’s Den, Cafe & Bar will be open too. Lifts will start spinning no later than 10:00am opening day and operate until 4:00 pm.

We are looking forward to seeing you!!
