I Love March!

I LOVE March!  It is hands down the BEST time of year to ride.  Sunshine, softer snow and always extra fun! Well shucks! Timberdoodle, Maple Syrup, Upper Sunrise & Double Doodle were not able to stand up to the 55 degree weather this week. Open/closed status can...

Taking Care Of Business … Making Snow!

WELCOME to the return of winter!  Ski Brule Snowmaking Crew fired up the machines this week and piled it on.  Beefing up the base so you can ride through March at Ski Brule.  Sunshine + Snow + Friends = PEFECT WEEKEND!  Open Thursday-Sunday and daily 3/21-3/31. Hello...

Fired Up! Snowmaking Continues!

With the arrival of winter temperatures, the snow crew at Ski Brule fired up Tuesday afternoon and will continue to make snow through Friday morning.  Why?  Because Ski Brule intends to ride right through March.  Ski Brule knows snowmaking & snow management better...

Winter at Ski Brule

It’s still winter at Ski Brule.  No worries about what it looks like where you live.  You can always count on Ski Brule for snow… even when it’s a very ‘odd’ winter.  Ski Brule anticipates that Mother Nature may not play nice so the...

Powder Day

POWDER DAY! 4″ Of snow overnight and still snowing.  What an incredible day to get out to ride.  I had to go take ‘video & photo’ footage …LOL .. best reason to get out and ride the new snow.  Conditions are incredible.  I had to b e...

It’s a spectacular day in the Northwoods!

It’s a spectacular day in the Northwoods at Ski Brule.  Temps return to more normal February temps with high of 30 and low of 20 this weekend.  This combo is the perfect combination for great snow & great times at Ski Brule.  I know it’s difficult to...

B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!  The snow is incredible.  I snuck out Sunday to take video (ok, yes an excuse to ride) and was blown away how good the snow is.  Guests have been telling me this all the time but ‘skiing it is believing it’.  The snow was fast when you...

100% Open, 100% Fun!

Last minute lodging cancellations = last minute lodging deal for you! Pioneer Lodge 301 & 303 condos are stay 2 nights this week and 2nd night is half off! Check out the inside of Pioneer Lodge https://youtu.be/VDgt48qBH34?si=8zzNPCwZKvzFjo6d Call 800-362-7853 to...

Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Let It Snow, Let It Snow!  We are ready to go!  Started snowing last night and still snowing.  A few inches are expected each day this weekend.  14 Of 17 Trails are expected to be open this weekend.   Between the second round of snowmaking and Mother Nature...