Got ready to go to the office today, looked out the window and thought, “hmmm it looks so warm and sunny”.  WRONG!!!!  Yes it was sunny but it was anything but warm.  LOL!  So here I freeze all day in a shirt, shoes and jeans.  DUMB!  Don’t put away the winter gear just yet.  It is still winter in the Northwoods at Ski Brule.  Maybe I shouldn’t say “FREEZING” because it’s 26 degrees out, which is beautiful with long johns and snowpants.  Won’t make that mistake twice.

Easter Weekend at Ski Brule! Easter Skiing & Easter Brunch!I hear the groomers tearing up the slopes in preparation of opening Thursday.  Mixing the little bit of fresh snow we received overnight with the base makes for great snow!

Many are asking “when are you closing for the season”?  That’s one question we currently do not have an answer to.  The snow is deep, we plan to ride this Thursday through Sunday and next week Thursday through Easter Sunday.  Thereafter the plan is Saturday and Sundays until ??? Really cannot say for sure as conditions can and do change substantially throughout the day in April (in a normal season).

So grab your sunglasses, skis, suntan lotion and friends .. there’s still time to ride Ski Brule.

~Thinking Snow


Snow Update 3/31/23 –  8″ Overnight and more coming!

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