Baby it’s cold outside!  Well, not really cold but it’s cold enough to fire up snowmaking again!  Just in time for the upcoming holiday.  We are so ready to see our Ski Brule Family!  Right now, 10 of 17 trails are open and hoping for more by 12/26.  It’s all in Mother Nature’s hands so get out and do your cold weather dance!

It’s the last week to purchase $58 Ski Brule advanced lift ticket vouchers.  These are valid anytime this season and anyone can use.  Plus it’s a $15 savings off tickets! BUT .. the sale ends 12/24.  Click here for complete details and sales locations. 

My heart was so warm today after reading this story written by a 9 year old Ski Brule friend.  Thank you for sharing and keep them coming.  Your story is great!

~Thinking Snow